Thursday, November 24, 2005

I have recently come back from a trip to Pushkar, Rajasthan. This was a unscheduled break caused due to the death of my grandmother. My dad and mom joined me from Sanctoria, West Bengal. It was almost 5 years since I had taken a long time out with my parents. We had some interesting time together in Rawatbhata near Kota where my brother works as a Scientific Officer in Nuclear Power Corporation of India Limited. Finally I got to teach my dad how to browse through Internet.

This also gave me an occasion and time to think where I am headed and refocus on things I want to achieve from here. One of the decisions I have taken is that I am going to blogs my thoughts regularly. It is going to help me crystallize my thoughts, and give me a written account of personal decisions I have made at various points. And on top of that it is a fantastic medium of having conversation with myself. Till now I had been very circumspect in leaving signatures on Internet.

I lead an organization in India, and one of the issues I had to encounter in making the blog decision was the potential of this medium to give advance clues about our strategy to our potential competitors. Google for instance does not appreciate employees writing blogs and releasing inside information. Mark Jen's firing within 11 days of being hired in Google for writing blogs is folklore. Google believes in guerilla style market attack strategy and any possible revelation of its plans can cause strategic loss and its competitors to push up their guards.

We will try to bring up our company the transparent way. To the maximum extent possible, we will let the world know what we do, how we do and what we plan to do. If our competitors take a leaf from that, well the game only becomes more interesting. If we are to be a winning company, we should win irrespective of whatever our competitors know, and whatever they do.


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